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Nature Connections 15 - Photo Challenge, digging and webcams


It has been another incredible weekend of warm, spring weather and I hope that has helped a little with staying positive during the very real challenges of lockdown. Here are today’s Nature Connections activities for you to try.

Out and About – Photo challenge

For today’s exercise walk, take a camera or Smart phone. Take a creative photograph to represent each of these themes.

1. A forced perspective* 

2. A geometric pattern 

3. Something flying 

4. A ‘can you guess what it is?’ photo 

5. A living thing 

*This is where you make something appear smaller or larger than it actually is, e.g. the classic shot of somebody pushing the Leaning Tower of Pisa up. 

The photo above is my attempt of a forced perspective.

In the Garden – Can You Dig It?


Budding archaeologists will need a small patch of grass or flower bed outside that you can dig in, an old spoon, an old toothbrush, and a container. You could use a trowel if you have one handy. 


– Mark out your site using string and wooden pegs to stop people disturbing your finds.

– Can you peel back the layers of grass and carefully work down the layers of soil?

– What might you find? Can you separate living things from manmade or dead things?

– How deep can you dig, can you find different layers of soil, sand, or stone maybe? Try not to cut through plant or tree roots you might uncover.

– You might uncover pieces of ceramic or metal buried underground – when might they have been buried there?

– How will you clean your finds? You could use an old toothbrush and some water to gently clean the soil and mud from objects you uncover.

– How could you display your archaeological finds? Perhaps you could make a museum cabinet from an old cereal box and write up your findings to explain them to visitors to your museum.

– What do you finds tell you about the past?

Staying at home – Webcams

You can try the photo challenge from above inside just as successfully as outside so why not have a go?

Many Wildlife Trusts have some fascinating webcams, recording a few of our more unusual wildlife. Take a look at these fox cubs and kestrels from Sussex, barn owls from Dorset and puffins from the island of Alderney. Copy and paste the web address into your browser and enjoy.

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